To understand this phenomenon we need to first understand what is writing? Writing is an art that is not very easy to teach just like few other creative skills. Yes we can say writing is a creative art. To master this art the strongest tool we have is reading. The strong reading skills you have, more creative you can come out as a writer or rather a creative writer who can explore new avenues and translate them all for his wide variety of readers. These avenues could be in the areas of science, technology, business, fiction and what not.
Since writing is the art of conveying the knowledge to the readers, one must have the information to share before he can write it. This sharing can be achieved through reading. Therefore reading plays a major role in writing. Writing is a skill no not only a skill it is creative and complicated too, because it not only require a certain level of knowledge and command but good language skills as well. You need to have an understanding about the language, grammar rules, punctuation marks, and different writing techniques. And above all you should know how to write correctly and should have the ability to catch the interest of your readers. All these complicated and nested set of tasks can be achieved by developing reading habit. Reading facilitates you to:
- Gain new knowledge and expand it through further reading
- Helps you learn your specialized area better
- Helps in developing your analytical skills
- Stimulates your focus and concentration
- Provides you with wider vocabulary for your own works
- Makes you understand the language better
- Helps you learn from great writers
- Helps you reveal the secrets of writing that are in practice
- Deepens your knowledge in a particular subject
- Helps discover new ideas
- Prepare yourself with the technological changes and updates
- Helps you to discover the new trends in writing and changing readers interests
All these tools collectively facilitate you to transform yourself into a good writer as you incorporate all these techniques in your writing. And if you are planning to be subject specific in terms of technology or any specialized area these tools cater a lot for achieving the goal.
Reading not only helps in developing good writing skills but also helps in polishing them to become a seasoned writer or a subject specialist with skills in current technological and industry trends. The specialist writers can thus target a specific audience or readership with a sheer knowledge or information sharing.
Now the question is how you can polish your writing skills through reading. There are some useful tips that will help you develop the amazing writing skills or polish the existing one:
- By developing the habit of reading books
- Enjoy what you are reading to help incorporate those points in your writing
- Try to be subject specific if you are targeting any specific area
- Pay attention to the style of writing, sentence building