Few people have studied how to find good essay topics to write a piece of paper, whether they are pursuing a master’s degree, a PhD, or working as a researcher. Teachers often provide students with professional knowledge and strategies for getting knowledge during their studies, but students remain unaware of writing a decent paper or finding interesting essay topics. On the other hand, most people are god-gifted with writing skills and can easily write good essays after their educational years.

Topics’ efficiency is required for the writing to be successful. Therefore, a great essay must begin with well-chosen essay topics. In other words, before selecting an essay topic, you must consider the problems involved. It is critical, particularly if you work for an online essay writing service.


Everyone wants to know what good topics to write about for an essay are; for this purpose, only interesting essay topics are the main key because the good essay topics determine whether or not it is worth reading.

This blog will provide advice on what to do before selecting interesting topics to write about for an essay. Many individuals, particularly students, should be able to write an essay. However, articles are, in reality, is academic writing assignments that all students must complete.

Sometimes, the essay you have written will not be according to your expectations. The importance of choosing good topics to write about for an essay cannot be overlooked. Before writing, it is best to identify good essay topics.

When you’re required to write an essay, think about the ideal topic for an essay. Then, you can do some research and go through your options thoroughly before deciding on a topic. Those who are in a hurry to create an essay, on the other hand, can take help from one of the essay writing services.

Here we have made a step-to-step guide to help you prepare for finding an interesting essay topic.

Well, for choosing good topics to write about for an essay, you have to follow five simple steps.

  • Make a list of five fascinating things you’ve discovered in the last few years

Things you learnt in history class, a favorite novel or a podcast you listen to on your way to school might all be examples. They could even be issues about which you know little but want to learn more.

  • Make a list of five words that your friends would use to describe you

Then, consider your role in your circle of friends and the words they would use to define you if asked.

  • Make a list of the five moments in the last few years when you were the happiest

Consider the times you’ve laughed so hard or when you’ve been pleased, or when you’ve been in fantastic company. Then, please make a list of where they happened and why they made you happy.

  • Make a list of five things you’re looking forward to doing in college

For example, have you considered joining a campus climate action group to help save the environment? When you think of studying in the UK, Are you looking forward to stepping outside of your comfort zone by participating in extra-curricular activities?

  • Make a note of your lists with a highlighter

Make a list of the items that are most important to you. Which of these things made you laugh when you were writing them? Where does a piece of your identity or priorities finally make sense?

These highlighted things should tell a story about you and highlight crucial subjects addressed in your writings. If a couple of the things you wrote point to your inclination for social activism, then kudos to you! You’ve come up with an idea for one of your writings. Take some pictures from these lists and allow them to be present in your essays since you’ve marked them as important, such as a class project you found intellectually stimulating or a characteristic your friends would use to define you. For example, if your friends describe you as “sarcastic,” you should include a tinge of sarcasm in your essays.


It is the most asked question, “how can we find good essay topics?”. Here are the steps;

  • Brainstorm

Consider the subjects that fascinate you. It will help if you enjoy what you’re reading. You can express your enthusiasm for writing in this way.

  • Examine your options for resources

The topic you select should be simple to research. First, check to see if your chosen topic has a lot of books, publications, and online articles. If you can’t come up with anything, change the subject.

  • Your subject should not be too narrow

Researching certain topics is more difficult. In addition, when your resources are restricted, it will be challenging to gather a variety of essay topics for writing.

  • Arguments should be rich in ideas

When writing an argument, be sure the topic will cover a wide range of ideas and concepts. It will broaden the debate and allow you to express your primary points on the subject.

  • Read

Continue reading if you’re still having trouble deciding on a topic. It will encourage your thoughts to select the one that interests you the most.

  • Seek assistance

You can take help from others. For example, you can choose a nice subject and plan the outline using other people’s opinions.

Or thinking about your interests, ideas, and points of view might help you choose an essay topic. Choose the one about which you have great knowledge. It will assist you in organizing your thoughts so that you may write a well-written essay. It will also provide you with numerous essay topics for writing. Finally, pick something you love. Writing can be enjoyable if the subject fascinates you and you are eager to share your ideas.

The research will assist you in selecting good topics to write an essay on and writing an excellent article. In addition, you may find plenty of information and advice on the internet to help you write an essay. Finally, writing essays will improve their writing skills, which will be useful for them in future careers.

In this way, you can find good topics for essay writing.


Now, coming towards the question, “what are the topics to write about for an essay?”.

We have made a list of some interesting essay topics for your assistance.

  • Tobacco sales should be prohibited.
  • The cost of education should be zero.
  • Technology’s Contribution in Education.
  • Obesity in children is a problem.
  • Stress’s causes and long-term effects.
  • What is women empowerment?

These essay topics are in demand nowadays.


For choosing a topic for essay, you can follow this strategy;

  • Choose a subject that you are familiar with

It would help if you chose a comfortable topic for yourself. However, it has the advantage of allowing you to spend less time researching the subject because the majority of the material is already in your head or choose easy essay topics. Otherwise, in the end, you won’t have to put as much effort into your essay, and the possibilities of you missing the deadline for your project are none.

  • Choose a topic that interests you

The advantage of picking interesting essay topics is that you will enjoy writing about them, and everyone reading your essay will notice this from your writing style. Another advantage is that the subject will pique your readers’/professor’s curiosity.

  • Narrow Your Topic

Instead of picking a broad topic, try to limit it down to something specific. For example, instead of writing about chemistry as a whole, you could focus on particular essay topics within the discipline. It means you’ll spend less time on the paper than you would if you were covering the entire subject, and you won’t have to include as much material as you would if you were wrapping a larger topic.

  • It’s Fine to Reuse a Topic

It’s fine to return to a topic on which you’ve previously written a paper or even one that you’ve already submitted elsewhere. The key is to approach it from a different perspective this time. For example, if you already had a prepared paper about the benefits of artificial intelligence in current society, you might modify it to include the negatives. Avoid copying and pasting, as this could be considered plagiarism; remember, one of the most important qualities of a good essay writer is originality.

  • The topic should be appropriate for the tone of your writing

Select a topic that goes with the tone of your writing. For example, an essay might be persuasive, explanatory, or descriptive. If the issue you choose and your writing tone isn’t a good match, you’re not going to do as well as you want to in your essay assignment. Therefore, consider the writing tone when selecting essay topics.


We have made a list of essay topic ideas for helping you.

  • Write on technology and its effects.
  • Education and the problems related to it.
  • Role of women in society.
  • How to deal with mental stress?
  • The effects of coronavirus.

Interesting essay topics can also be found on the internet.


Here are some tips for finding interesting essays topics:

  • Examine the situation.
  • Define your point of view.
  • Make use of evidence, logic, and scholarship.
  • Write a well-structured essay.
  • Write clearly.
  • Sources and evidence should be given.

These tips, along with essay topics examples, can help you write good articles.

Final Verdict:

You can write an interesting essay by following a proper guide. UK Writing Experts have great essay topics examples.