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Management Essay

Dissertation Writers UK, MBA Dissertation

Management in all the business as well as human organization is termed as a practice with the help of which people who are working in an organization are tend to be closer in order to work in a proper and well organized manner. In any business or organization, management should be maintained and done in a proper manner in order to lead the business in a positive manner and also to generate well-oriented outcomes. Better management is required in order to achieve better results.

Basic steps in management include:

  • planning
  • organizing
  • staffing
  • leading
  • controlling

These above mentioned items or elements are the most important steps which are necessary in order to manage a business. Proper management is required only to have a proper setup and also to have a business with the help of which better outcomes can be obtained. There are various theories which are directly or indirectly associated to the management system and apart from this, various authors and theorists have also written various books on management in order to attract the readers and also to add a style of managing business in the business owners. (Dale, 1969)

Is a business is managed properly, then only the outcomes will be in a positive direction and the business will generate best possible outcomes. in order to manage a business or a firm, special managers or supervisors are required who can manage the whole setup or a business in a positive direction and can also help in generating best possible outcomes.


Ernest Dale, (1969), Management: theory and practice

McGraw-Hill series in management, Rex Bookstore, Inc, page 700-786.

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