Marketing Is More Beneficial For The Producer Than For The Consumer Or Society
Promotion is the driving force behind overconsumption and the root of all that is evil in society. It is a capitalistic vice that directly supports inequality and radical gratification. Extreme opinions are generally discouraged, but where marketing is concerned, it’s fairly easy to overlook the other side of the coin.
Marketers have ruined many things for us. Emails were supposedly a convenient way of communication, but now they are a stark reminder of what’s lacking in our lives. And this cold remembrance has managed and continues, to ruin many pleasant evenings. The impact of an email is so remarkable that we end up spending hours adding stuff to our carts and adding the bill to our credit cards.
Social Media is another tool that fosters this evil and allows it to permeate every aspect of our lives. We’re struck by pictures, ads and emails all the time, and that consumes our mind and compels us to lose perspective. Good promotion creates intrigue and propels our thoughts into concrete actions. As a result, we end up spending our hard-earned money on stuff that is temporary and possibly futile. We become the victim of our own decisions disseminated by someone else.
The market is competitive. There are thousands of products with each one better than the other. Walking down the aisle, a regular consumer is simply confused and unable to conclude a decision. When hundreds of brands are selling you the same things, with almost similar features, it’s the price that becomes the deciding factor.
Every company strives to outdo the other. All industries use the same formula: either innovate something new or reinvent and repackage the same product to upgrade their position in the market. The agenda is simple: to boost those sales.
Companies turn to marketers to promote their products. They use their expertise in line and hope to reach the masses. These marketers work on the aura of desirability. They craft catchy lines, engaging messages and integrate images and videos to generate interest and spark desire in the consumer market. Marketers are not paid to make political statements or bring social reforms; their job is to simply spike the sales.
The most basic but fundamental factor that marketers capitalize on is human weaknesses. They analyse the emptiness felt by the targeted consumers, fuel insecurities and general dissatisfaction from life, and manipulate them to practice excessive consumption.
What do you think happens when the consumers give in to glorified temptations and instant gratification? They lose control. Once the temporary influence of instant gratification loses its value and the emptiness resumes in the consumer’s life, they feel exploited and frustrated. They get overwhelmed by anger, and frustration results when they grasp the futility of the experience.
Human beings easily succumb to materialism. It functions as a drug that doesn’t alarm us at first. We “treat ourselves” and repeatedly justify vain actions by recalling the motivational speech devised on the “importance of living in the moment” and sold by clever marketers.
The lip fillers will help us meet the current beauty standards, the clothing brand is trendy and elite, the smartphone is latest and efficient, and the house is classy and comfortable. We literally buy into the status quo. When we already have a fully-functioning smartphone, buying the latest version is not genuinely required, and neither is the risky medical procedure or the unnecessary purchase from a ridiculously expensive brand. We become so caught up in the now that we forget to save up for a rainy day.
Marketers, like an Essay Writer, are known for indulging in research. They have access to data that you wouldn’t even fathom possible. Companies seek this information mostly from social media websites where consumers pour their hearts out and elaborate on their interests and preferences. Whether or not the method used to derive such personal information is ethical is another debate, but exploitation in this situation can’t be denied. Consumers essentially lose all the power.
The economy is unstable, especially now with the pandemic on the rise. But what set pattern is being observed today? Despite having our jobs on the line, we’re using online shopping as a means to cope. Who is selling these ideas to us? Who is benefitting from all of this? Have you considered this question as you put another box of baking powder in your basket?
People are buying more than ever. In fact, they are buying out of fear. They are frightened that there won’t be enough toilet papers or sanitizers left for them. They are risking financial security to reduce anxiety. They’re stocking up piles of stuff in the storage because what if none of this is available tomorrow? Who is inducing fear in them? It’s the clever marketing and nonstop promotion disguised as empathy and care.
Companies are using this time of crisis to induce fear in society and compel them to purchase more than they need. As a result, an imbalance is observed. People either have everything, or they’re barely struggling to meet ends. The ones living on daily wages probably don’t have the luxury to invest in products for the long term. When they go to the market, they find the aisles empty.
So, it can be concluded that marketers breed capitalism. Society is corrupted when promotion devalues their sentiments, and that is a fundamental notion of capitalism.
Despite our struggle to sound unique and just, we can’t completely underestimate the role of promotion. How can you expect others to find out about your product or service, if you fail to market it effectively? You could be selling the best lasagna in the world, but who would eat it if nobody even knows it exists? Your ideation is fogged if you completely reject the positive impact of marketing. However, this comes down to individual choice – If your intentions are pure and the desire to promote stems from a moralistic ground, a positive change can be witnessed.
We can weigh all our options and evaluate the data, but the truth is that marketing is both a problem and a solution. Thus, the fine line between right and profit must be comprehended.