How to Write a Perfect Assignment

Are you struggling with your assignment writing? Need a guideline that may help you in writing the assignments? If you want your assignment to be perfect, and then follow the following eight steps discussed in this blog of UK Writing Expert and with this you’ll be able to write your assignment perfectly in a right manner.

Starting to write your assignment, always remember that

  • The most crucial thing is to start writing your assignment before the given deadline, it will help you in writing assignment easily and any feeling of pressure.
  • After writing the assignment on paper or on the computer, you will have much time to read it and correct it, if there is any existence of mistakes or errors.

The steps which help you in writing your assignment in a perfect manner with no chance of any misdirecting are as follows:

Step 1: Planning of writing the assignmentHow-to-Write-Assignments

Step 2: Analyzing the question asked in your topic

Step 3: Daft an outline of your assignment

Step 4: Gather information from different resources

Step 5: Make notes and read

Step 6: Start writing your assignment

Step 7: Editing & proofreading

Step 8: Assignment submission

  1. Step 1: Planning phase of assignment writing

It is very crucial to plan, before start writing anything it may be assignment writing or any other writing. Arrange in order a plan for accomplishing your assignment:

The purpose of the plan is to stay focus on your thought and to keep you on track in your assignment writing procedure.

Now, start reading the given task and analyze what is required

  • Check what is required (i.e. an essay, report or a review, etc.)
  • Check what length is required
  • What are the requirements that may help you in completing your assignment (i.e. skills, information, etc.)
  • Worth of the assignment in terms of percentage, marks (this will you in deciding that how much time you should spend on it)
  • Check the given deadline (write it down on your planner or the calendar) this is really very important for you.

Note: if you have any confusion about the above mentioned things, then you can call you instructor/professor to get clear picture of the task.

  1. Step 2: Analyzing the question asked in your topic

Before answering the question asked in the assignment task, you must read it carefully and understand what exactly the question is about

First of all, make sure you totally understand the required question

  • Carefully and slowly read the question and try to understand the requirements i.e. what’s your instructor expected by you.
  • Make sure you didn’t missed any of the point in the question, read it again and again

Inquire yourself:

What’s the topic is? What is question asked? What does the given question intends?

What do I have to do?

Note: you may rewrite the question in order to understand its meaning; you may write it in your own words

The assignment is about…

I have to do…

  1. Step 3: Daft an outline of your assignment

Draft an outline, before start writing the assignment. Start from the basic structure of the assignment.

  • Introduction
  • Main body (Discussion part)
  • Conclusion
  1. Step 4: Gather information from different resources

You will be required to find out the relevant information from different resources like from books, journals, newspapers, or from the online resources. You should be clear about what you have to find regarding the asked question of the assignment.

  • What is required to find out?
  • What exactly the assignment is about?
  • Do i really know about the required question?
  • What exactly I think about the given topic?

Note: Utilize a mind map to brainstorm the topic and to distinguish what you need to know and what you know i.e. the breaches in your knowledge.

  1. Step 5: Make notes and read

After searching or inquiring for the relevant information of your assignment requirement, now the time is to read.

Skimming & scanning of the gathered information

  • Scan the information you have discovered
  • Skim that information that is of use or more appropriate

Make notes

  • Include your ideas and your comments about the resources you discovered.
  • Discover the possible quotations
  • Organize the notes according to your draft outline
  • If necessary, then read your draft outline again

Note: Remember to note down the pages and resource references and detail, so if necessary then you can check the accuracy of your quotes

  1. Step 6: Start writing your assignment

As you have found the relevant information and you have make notes. Now it is the time to start writing your assignment. Before start wiring the assignment you must know the writing style that is required or demanded by your instructor/supervisor. Most of the time, you are require to write the assignment in academic styles (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.)

Note: Do not spend too much time on making the writing perfect as it can be change after you finish writing!

  1. Step 7: Editing & proofreading

You have completed your assignment; now it’s time to make it perfect. But before you start editing & proofreading you must take a break from it. Keeping a distance from it can make your mind fresh. This act will help you in reading the assignment with the fresher mind.

What are the points on which you should have a look for websites creation?

  • Spelling mistakes
  • Grammar
  • Structure of sentences
  • Inclusion of introduction, discussion, and conclusion in the right manner
  • Have you used the correct academic language?
  • Content logically arranged
  • Utilization of your own words and acknowledgement of all resources
  • Well presented

Note: you may use a spell checker but do not rely on it completely. Include the header and footer in the assignment, it is a good idea, unless there are no specific instruction about not to include headers and footers.

  1. Step 8: Assignment submission

Now, you are the stage where you’ve completed your assignment. It is ready for submission to the instructor. But, before submitting your assignment to the instructor/supervisor read it once again.

Make sure that there is no presence of any mistake

  • Is it perfectly structured?
  • Is there any spelling or grammar mistake left?
  • Is the spacing correct?

Note: If your assignment submission requirement is electronic, then make sure to print it out and check for the mistakes on the ‘hard copy’ – it’s an easy way to spot out the errors on hard copy than on the screen.