Good Inscriptions are a result of Being a Good Reader
Most of the students complain about academic life being tough and that they don’t get the time to in script their academic manuscripts decently due to time constraints. It is true that time constraints are real, as many students work part time to support themselves and the ability to balance academics with life’s commitments often drains down a person’s strengths. Good reading and observational skills are critical for a good academic manuscript else the student has a very high probability of dropping out on that particular course.
People with bad reading skills have often been a victim of cynical terms and have been referred to as academic delinquents as well. The reasons are wide and many. Though the United Kingdom has a very good education system with Early Foundation Years program at key schooling levels, however there are some issues pertaining to reading, writing, comprehension, understanding and analytical skills which are often left neglected. The children with immigrant backgrounds i.e. those coming from Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Poland have not gone through the British child development programs in their respective nations. They have very good reasoning, analytical, and calculation skills but there are things they lack from the British perspective, and since not everyone is a good learner; special attention and extra classes have been formulated. Though, there have been improvements in their level of education and educational standards at the school level, such improvement programs are only available initially and when they enter higher education straight out of school and especially those schools back in their homelands, such facilities are not persistent. Students usually graduate from higher secondary in 12th grade, their English language skills and fluency become a symbol and cause of concern for both students and their course instructors as well as their professors as well. Though it is not necessary to speak with a British accent, there are numerous grammatical errors in their work and that the habit of reading good English books is not common among them due to the fact that English is not their first language.
The second group of foreign students come from the Middle East and North Africa. The culture of reading in this region has become questionable despite the rise in literacy rates. The culture of reading in the Middle East and North Africa is not very common as not only is Arabic the native tongue but state attitudes towards authors and publishers has been very questionable and repressive. The Gulf Cooperation Council (G.C.C) nations have somewhat fared better but somehow the culture of reading is still questionable.
A good reader comprehends all instructions easily and is thus able to produce the best amount of work in the best possible time. Reading diligently aids in proper understanding of not just rules and compliance instructions but also the necessary reading material. In short, if you can read properly then you can do things properly hence proving the statement that a good reader produces good inscriptions.