7 Ways to Stop Procrastinating
Do you ever feel that you could have accomplished so much if you didn’t put things off until the last minute? Do you think that this habit is standing in the way of you reaching your optimal potential?
If yes, then you must learn how you can deal with procrastination. Procrastination occurs when you intend to perform a particular task but consciously avoid it because you either do not understand it, you are bored with it, or you are afraid that you will not complete it proficiently.
As a result, you avoid the task until the very last minute, which ultimately results in a low grade. Hence, you need to learn how you can avoid procrastination in your academic life. The following guide includes detailed tips on how you can resolve this problem:
Do not catastrophise
Catastrophizing is a cognitive distortion in which you perceive a problem to be bigger than it actually is. When you view your projects in this light, your self-efficacy decreases. You start believing that you lack the skills and the abilities required to complete the project. This belief powers your avoidant skills. Thus you end up ignoring the project until the deadline looms over your head.
Keeping this in mind, you can avoid procrastination with catastrophising by believing that you are competent enough to tackle any project. Even if you do not receive a high grade, learn to be okay with the fact that you tried your best. When the project is assigned to you, do not think, ‘This project is too difficult for me to handle,’ Instead say, ‘I will complete the project to the best of my ability.’
Try the crystal ball approach
When you are consciously aware of the fact that you are putting off the project, imagine yourself holding a crystal ball. The ball shows you two outcomes. One of the outcomes is that you procrastinate and complete the paper the same day it is due. In this visualisation, you can observe yourself in a panicked stated, where you are just rushing to add words on the page. As a result, you compromise the quality of the work, and the grade you receive is low.
Conversely, the other outcome revealed by the crystal ball involves you working on the project and investing time in research, writing, and editing. In this vision, you receive a relatively better grade. Considering the two options, you will naturally choose the latter outcome.
The ten-minute rule
One of the reasons why you actively avoid completing your academic projects is the monotony of the task. Writing academic papers is beyond boring and tiring. The unappealing nature of your project compels you to stay away from it.
In such situations, you can apply the ten-minute rule, which states that you can endure any difficult situation for just ten minutes. By thinking this, you can continue writing your project for ten minutes. However, when the ten-minute time frame is completed, you can spend another ten minutes on the project as you realise your potential to work continuously for ten minutes. This cycle can be repeated until your project is completed.
Be honest with yourself
Procrastination is basically a method of coping. You avoid doing the things that you do not want to deal with. Avoidance coping is healthy when you’re trying to reduce your anxiety for the projects. However, when you use it to procrastinate, it can end up harming you. As a result, you must be honest about why you are procrastinating. Ask yourself the following questions:
- ‘Why do I not want to complete this paper?’
- ‘Do I want to fail?’
- ‘Will I find the time to complete this project in the future?’
When you answer these questions honestly, you will push yourself to complete the project in the provided time frame.
Break the task down
Sometimes you do not want to attempt the academic project because it is too overwhelming to look at. Even if you persuade yourself to do it, looking at the amount of work that needs to be done reduces your motivation to attempt the project. In this case, you can invest some time in breaking the task down and creating a schedule to complete each component of the project.
For instance, if you are assigned an essay on the cold war, you can divide the task into three sections. You can dedicate one day to researching about the war, its causes, its outcomes and its impact. The following day, you can work on writing the essay without having to consult the research.
As you have educated yourself the previous day, the information will still be fresh, and you will write about it fluently. Lastly, you can dedicate the final day to proofreading and editing the essay. This will allow you to read the essay with a fresh pair of eyes. Hence, you will not feel overwhelmed.
Take assistance if you do not have time
Often, the lack of time is mistaken for procrastination. You believe that you are actively avoiding the work when, in reality, you don’t have free time to complete all of your assigned projects. When this happens, you can hire professional essay writers to assist you with your projects. These individuals can write your paper and return it to you within a short time frame.
Offer reinforcements
One of the motivating factors for any human being is getting a reward after working hard. Keeping this in mind, you can offer yourself a reward for completing the project. The reward you offer must hold value to you. For example, you can watch your favourite movies after completing the essay, or you can have your favourite ice-cream.
Procrastination is a force that fights greatness. So, to reach your full potential, follow the tips above and complete all your projects without panicking!